
  • This series traces the history and spiritual journey of national Israel from the collapse of Israel and Judah, through the Babylonian Captivity and returm, through the period between the Testaments, to the birth of Christ, the destruction of Herod's temple and the end of the old covenant.

  • An ongoing study of Benjamin Keach's version of the Baptist catechisms patterned off of the Westminster Shorter Catechism.

  • A comprehensive study of the all-important book of Hebrews, the divinely inspired letter written primarily to Jewish believers, with the primary purpose of explaining the differences between the old and new covenants -- a subject as important and relevant today as it was to the churches of the first century

  • A study of the book of Revelation, Scripture’s final and most glorious description of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, interpreted not primarily from church history or current events, but from the Scripture itself, which unlocks the meanings of the the Apostle John's rich symbolic language.

  • Our Christian faith is grounded in a series of historical facts that we must believe if we are to be saved, and the Bible is the only inspired record of these things. Sadly, many of the historical books of Scripture, which teach and reinforce our knowledge of who God is and how we are to live, are largely neglected, especially the books of the Kings and Chronicles.This series, beginning with the reign of Solomon, is an attempt to draw out important lessons from the kingdom age of ancient national Israel.

  • This study of the Parables of Jesus attempts to recover the earlier understanding of the parables, which saw them not as a disconnected series of lessons for the moral improvement of Christians, but as veiled gospel presentations to sinners, particularly those who “trust in themselves that they are righteous.”