The Gospel in Ezekiel, Part 1

PRESERVING THE FAITH IN CAPTIVITY, PART 2: THE GOSPEL IN EZEKIEL – INTRODUCTIONTEXT: Selections from EzekielSUMMARY: The prophet Ezekiel foreshadowed the coming of the gospel and the new covenant in his message of doom for hardened sinners and hope for the penitent.I. THE PROPHET’S WORDS OF DOOM FOR THE NATION. A. Ezekiel’s Call to Ministry. […]

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Baptist Catechism, Q28: Christ Our High Priest

KEACH’S BAPTIST CATECHISM, Q28: CHRIST OUR PRIEST QUESTION 28: “How does Christ execute the office of a priest?”ANAWER: “Christ executes the office of priest in his once offering up himself a sacrifice to satisfy divine justice1 and reconcile us to God,2 and in making continual intercession for us.3SUMMARY: Jesus Christ, in His redeeming work, is […]

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Preserving the Faith in Captivity, Part 1: the Gospel in Jeremiah

PRESERVING THE FAITH IN CAPTIVITY, 1: THE GOSPEL IN JEREMIAHTEXT: Selected texts from Jeremiah; Hosea 3:4-5SUMMARY: The prophet Jeremiah’s advice during his final years to his countrymen to acknowledge their sin and accept their subjection to Babylon as God’s will, has a parallel in the proclamation and acceptance or rejection of the gospel. I. JEREMIAH’S […]

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Baptist Catechism, Q27: Our Christ Who Reveals

KEACH’S BAPTIST CATECHISM, QUESTION 27: OUR CHRIST WHO REVEALSSUMMARY: “In this catechism question, we see Christ our Mediator as One who reveals. Jesus’ role as Prophet is one of revealing the will of God to mankind, especially pertaining to salvation.”QUESTION 27: How does Christ execute the office of a prophet?”ANSWER: Christ executes the office of […]

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Remember Us, O Lord!

REMEMBER US, O LORD!TEXT: Lamentations 5:1-22SUMMARY: In this chapter, the prophet, reminding the Lord of Judah’s misery and reproach, pours out a prayer to the Lord for remembrance and restoration.I. REMEMBER US! A PORTRAIT OF REPROACH, vv. 1-18. A. Inheritance Lost, vv. 2-6. B. Confession of Guilt, v. 7, 16.C. The Humiliation of Subjugation, vv. […]

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