Keach’s Baptist Catechism, Q42-43: Death and Resurrection for the Wicked

KEACH’S BAPTIST CATECHISM, Q42 & 43: DEATH AND RESURRECTION FOR THE WICKED SUMMARY: In questions 40 and 41 we saw that the believer’s soul, upon death, enters immediately into glory; and then in the resurrection the body is raised in glory and reunited with the soul for eternal holiness, and rest, and peace. In the […]

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Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge

DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGETEXT: Mark 12:18-27SUMMARY: In the Sadducees’ prideful, condescending treatment of Jesus, their Messiah, there is an important lesson for us: that a proper understanding of God’s power, of the Scriptures, and of ourselves, cannot even begin without humility. I. THEY WERE IGNORANT OF GOD’S POWER. A. Rationalists.B. Materialists.C. Politicians.II. THEY WERE […]

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Keach’s Baptist Catechism, Q41: Benefits of Redemption at the Resurrection

KEACH’S B APTIST CATECHISM, Q41: BENEFITS OF REDEMPTION — AT THE RESURRECTIONQ. 41. What benefits do believers receive from Christ at the Resurrection?A. At the resurrection, believers become raised up in glory, shall be openly acknowledged and acquitted in the day of judgment, and made perfectly blessed in the full enjoyment of God to all […]

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Pilgrims in the Earthly Kingdom

PILGRIMS IN THE EARTHLY KINGDOMTEXT: Mark 12:13-17; 2 Cor. 1:12 SUMMARY: This passage illustrates, through the scheming of Christ’s enemies, the contrast between the worldly way of the hypocrite who is at home in this world, with the pilgrim path of the godly, who are merely passing through this world as citizens of the world […]

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