PILGRIMS IN THE EARTHLY KINGDOMTEXT: Mark 12:13-17; 2 Cor. 1:12 SUMMARY: This passage illustrates, through the scheming of Christ’s enemies, the contrast between the worldly way of the hypocrite who is at home in this world, with the pilgrim path of the godly, who are merely passing through this world as citizens of the world to come.I. THE WORLDLY WAY OF THE HYPOCRITE.A. Carnal Wisdom, v. 13.B. Flattery, v. 14.C. Earthly-Mindedness, vv. 14-15.II. THE PILGRIM WAY OF THE GODLY (2 Cor. 1:12).A. Spiritual Wisdom (the Grace of God).B. Sincerity.C. Simplicity.