Contemplating Messiah’s Birth

CONTEMPLATING MESSIAH’S BIRTHTEXT: Genesis 49:8-11; Luke 1:67-80; 2:21-38SUMMARY: Though Christ’s first coming was at first barely noticed by the world, to God’s faithful who awaited it, it was the glorious fulfillment of God’s ancient promise, spoken by Jacob in Genesis 49:10: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor a lawgiver from between his feet, […]

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Awaiting Messiah’s Birth

AWAITING MESSIAH’S BIRTHTEXT: Luke 1:26-56 & Selected ScripturesSUMMARY: Throughout history, God’s true saints have always been distinguished by an earnest and spiritual anticipation of their coming Messiah. It is their mark, which sets them apart from the world at large, and gives them a common bond with those of like faith.I. THE UNREGENERATE WORLD DOES […]

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God’s Decrees: the Benefit of Sanctification

GOD’S DECREES: THE BENEFIT OF SANCTIFICATION SUMMARY: Sanctification is an evangelical grace of God. He first sets us apart for His own holy use, (sanctified unto life,) and then He enables us more and more to die unto sin and life unto righteousness, (sanctified unto salvation.) This righteousness and holiness that we receive is not […]

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The Great Alignment of Saving Grace

THE GREAT ALIGNMENT OF SAVING GRACETEXT: Matthew 4:12-23SUMMARY: With each new disciple of Christ, there is a divine alignment of a God-appointed purpose, a God-appointed visit, and a God-appointed response.I. THERE IS A GOD-APPOINTED PURPOSE, vv. 12-17.A. An Appointed Time, vv. 12-17. —”After John was put in prison”—”The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”B. An […]

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Baptist Catechism, Q37: Adopted as Sons

BAPTIST CATECHISM, Q37: ADOPTION: RECEIVED AS SONSQuestion 37. What is adoption?Answer. Adoption is an act of God’s free grace, whereby we are received into the number and have a right to all the privileges of the sons of God.________1689 Confession on Adoption: All those that are justified, God vouchsafed, in and for the sake of […]

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The Gospel in Ezekiel, Part 7

THE GOSPEL IN EZEKIEL, PART 7TEXT: Ezekiel 36:24-38; 17:22-24; 40—48SUMMARY: The prophet Ezekiel foreshadowed the coming of the gospel and the new covenant in his message of doom for hardened sinners and hope for the penitent.IV. GOD’S REDEMPTION PLAN. D. The Blessings of Redemption. 1. The Blessing of New Life.2. The Blessing of God’s presence. […]

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Unrighteous People Made Righteous

KEACH’S BAPTIST CATECHISMGOD MAKES UNRIGHTEOUS PEOPLE RIGHTEOUSSUMMARY: “Justification is one of the most central purposes of God in redeeming His elect. As an act of free grace, God pardons us of sin, and He accepts us as righteous, by giving us a righteous which is found in Christ— a righteousness that we receive by faith […]

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The Gospel in Ezekiel, Part 6

THE GOSPEL IN EZEKIEL, PART 6TEXT: Ezekiel 36:16-28SUMMARY: The prophet Ezekiel foreshadowed the coming of the gospel and the new covenant in his message of doom for hardened sinners and hope for the penitent. I. MAN, THE DEFILER, defiling everything he touches (v. 17). II. MAN SINNING, by his own ways and deeds (v. 17).III. […]

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Baptist Catechism: Intro to the Benefits of Redemption

KEACH’S BAPTIST CATECHISMINTRO TO THE BENEFITS OF REDEMPTIONI. THE BENEFIT OF JUSTIFICATION.A. Imputed Righteousness — (of Christ Alone). B. Not Infused Righteousness — (Christ’s Righteousness and Ours Together). II. The benefit of Adoption.A. Man subconsciously makes a distinction between biological and adopted children.B. God makes no distinction between biological and adopted children..III. The benefit of […]

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The Mortal Conflict

THE MORTAL CONFLICTTEXT: Matthew 16:13-28SUMMARY: Peter’s Great Confession, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” is the very heart of the great spiritual conflict that will dominate the ages until Christ returns: a conflict between truth and falsehood, between Christ and Anti-Christ, and ultimately, even between life and death.I. There is a […]

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