Bitter Tears for Zion

BITTER TEARS FOR ZIONTEXT: Lamentations 1SUMMARY: As the prophet laments the fall of Jerusalem, he reveals an important truth in God’s dealings with man: that even the elect will be brought through the valley of humiliation before they can experience the mountaintop of God’s blessing.I. BY GOD’S DECREE, SHE ASCENDED TO GREATNESS, vv. 1-11a. A. […]

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The Fall of Judah

THE FALL OF JUDAHTEXT: 2 Chronicles 36:1-21; Jeremiah 36:1-32: Jeremiah 38:7-23; Jeremiah 3:6-17SUMMARY: Despite the indications of God’s approval during the years of Josiah’s reformation, Judah’s careless return to her former sins of idolatry, and her refusal to accept the Babylonian invasion as God’s rod of correction, brought upon the nation a series of events […]

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A Kingdom Within a Kingdom

A KINGDOM WITHIN A KINGDOMTEXT: Matt. 26:14-25SUMMARY: For the Christian, who spiritually is in the world but not of the world, understanding the two spiritual realms that operate in the world simultaneously, and their relationship to each other, will help to give clarity to our Christian walk.I. PRIORITIES OF TEMPORAL KINGDOM. A. Their Predisposition.B. Their […]

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The Death of a Saint

THE DEATH OF A SAINT.TEXT: 2 Kings 23:24-28; 2 Chronicles 35:20-27.SUMMARY: The inspired record of Josiah’s life and reign concludes with the reminder that God’s promises will have both a legal and an evangelical fulfillment, in that unrepentant sinners will ultimately exhaust God’s mercy and pass into judgment, and the blessed elect will receive the […]

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Baptist Catechism, Questions 16-23: God’s Covenants

KEACH’S BAPTIST CATECHISM, QUESTIONS 16-23:God’s Special Acts of Providence — The CovenantsSUMMARY: “God executes His Decrees through Creation and providence; and we see, starting in the garden, that He has governed all things, including the fall of mankind, for the purpose of gathering all things together in one, in Christ.”I. GOD’S DECREES EXECUTED BY PROVIDENCE.A. […]

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The Suffering One Exalted

THE SUFFERING ONE EXALTEDTEXT: Hebrews 2:5-18SUMMARY: Through His suffering and death, Christ the perfect Man has restored man to his proper place among God’s creation, and to his relationship with Christ as both a “son” and as a “brother.”I. CHRIST’S SUFFERINGS RESTORED THE EXALTED PLACE OF MAN IN GOD’S CREATED ORDER.A. Man at Creation. B. […]

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Baptist Catechism, Q 14&15: God’s Decrees in Providence

KEA CH’S CATECHISM, Q. 14 & 15: GOD’S DECREES IN HIS WORKS OF PROVIDENCE SUMMARY: God has a plan and a purpose that “all might be gathered together in one, in Christ;” and He has determined to accomplish His will, and His decrees, through the works of Creation and providence. God will “execute His decrees,” […]

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Josiah’s Reformation, conclusion

JOSIAH’S REFORMATION, CONCLUSIONTEXT: 2 Kings 23:1-20; 2 Chron. 34:8 — 35:19 SUMMARY: The religious reformation inaugurated by Josiah is one of the boldest in the history of national Israel, and it falls into two major areas, which are parallel to the work of sanctification or conversion in the Christian life: (1) the rooting out of […]

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Baptist Catechism Questions 10-12: God’s Decrees in Creation

Q. 11. How doth God execute his decrees?A. God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence.Q. 12. What is the work of creation?A. The work of creation is God’s making all things of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six days, and all very good.1Q. 13. How […]

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Baptist Catechism Question 10: God’s Decrees

BAPTIST CATECHISM QUESTION 10: GOD’S DECREESSUMMARY: Like any truly sovereign ruler, God is able to “rule by decree,” in the sense that His will and His desires are His only counselors. However, unlike other kings and rulers, He is truly accountable to Himself alone; and no force can stand against His will and His decrees. […]

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