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A.W. Pink (1886-1952) has become recognized as one of the most able and most prolific Evangelical writers of the 20th century.   Born in Nottingham, England, to Christian parents, but attracted as a young man to satanic religion and phenomena, he was dramatically converted in 1908, and proceeded after some Bible training to pastor Baptist churches in the U.S., Australia and England, before “retiring” in Scotland to devote himself almost solely to writing.  His view of the visible church in his day remains apt today:  “The vast majority of the churches are in a sorry state.  Those that are out-and-out worldly are at their wits’ end to invent new devices for drawing a crowd.  Others which still preserve an outward form of godliness provide nothing substantial for the soul.”  His most popular book has continued to be The Sovereignty of God; other notable works include his Exposition of Hebrews, and lives of Elijah and Elisha; and his monthly magazine, Studies in the Scriptures, published without interruption for three decades despite a world war and many other trials, was the source of material for most of his later works.  He has been falsely accused of hyper-Calvinism, though he held to the same historic, evangelistic Calvinism as Matthew Henry and C.H. Spurgeon; and of isolationism, though in his secluded later years, he wrote some 20,000 ministerial letters in corresponding with the many who sought his godly counsel.

What's Wrong With Modern Evangelism?

from Studies on Saving Faith (1937)

by Arthur W. Pink


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